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Other issues

This page contains a collection of issues that do come up in the context of scientific and data science projects and packaging those, but are deemed less high-impact than the key issues.

Shared libraries on Linux and other non-Windows platforms are often provided and versioned via symlinks (examples: cupy#6261, libarrow in this Discourse thread, pip#5919, and pypa/wheel issues #203, #400, and #453). In order to build wheels containing versioned shared libraries, symlink support is needed. In the absence of that, the symlinks get materialized into full copies of the symlinked files, blowing up wheel sizes.

A second use case for symlinks is for editable installs when the build system uses out-of-place builds. Out-of-place builds are the only option in Meson, and also good practice for CMake. For out-of-place builds, you end up with compiled extension modules and generated files in the build directory, and .py files in the source directory. To put those together into a working editable install, the most straightforward solution is putting symlinks to all files in a wheel - see meson-python#47.

It looks like there is an understanding now that symlink support is needed, and that it requires a new wheel format spec (and hence a PEP) - see Clarifications to the wheel specification.

An experimental setuptools extension, wheel-axle, implements support for producing a wheel containing symlinks.

PEP 778: Supporting Symlinks in Wheels is being drafted (May 2024), see this discussion thread.

Dropping support for old manylinux versions is difficult

Due to how wheel tags work, they need to be explicitly recognized by build and install tools. Old versions of pip tend to be used for years (especially in Linux distros), which means that when a project starts distributing wheels in a newer format (e.g., manylinux2014 instead of manylinux1), those new wheels will not be recognized for part of the user base for a long time. As a result, projects are forced to also continue distributing the older format, to avoid those users getting no wheels and a build from sdist instead. Being forced to produce duplicate wheels for years is a lot of extra work and CI time. This is in principle a problem on all platforms, it tends to show up more for Linux because of the combination of old pip versions and more changes to platform tags (we've had manylinux1, manylinux2010, manylinux2014 and now, with PEP 600, "perennial manylinux" - but that still requires agreeing on new glibc versions to start shipping in practice).

Wheel build tooling is implemented in a scattered fashion

When working with native dependencies, one must use a tool to vendor dependencies that aren't part of the platform by wheel standards. There are at least three different tools for this: auditwheel (Linux), delocate (macOS) and delvewheel (Windows). They have the same job, but are three independent projects with different capabilities. This is bad from a usability perspective, and when improvements to this tooling needs to be made, the discussion may have to be had multiple times (example: adding an --exclude option to not vendor certain libraries: auditwheel#368).

This scattering issue can also be observed in the many support packages to deal with metadata, wheel tags, and other aspects of producing wheels, e.g.: packaging, distlib, pyproject-hooks, and pyproject-metadata. And with pip and build not using the same UX for things like --config-settings and --no-isolation/--no-build-isolation.

Bootstrapping and circular dependencies of Python packaging tools

Python packaging tools have a bit of a bootstrapping issue, which is a problem for other packaging systems when they want to incorporate those packages. If one wants to build and install pip/setuptools/wheel from source, one needs pip/setuptools/wheel already installed. Same for pypa/build and pypa/installer and flit (poetry does better here, it uses setuptools to build itself). This is getting better - pip vendors all of its runtime dependencies so it can produce a wheel to install itself, and flit now vendors a TOML parser - but there is still a ways to go. See this Bootstrapping a specific version of pip thread for some discussion on this.

No good way to install headers or non-Python libraries

If a library provides functionality that is meant to be used from C or C++ code in another package, one needs to install headers and libraries. To make that work well, those headers and libraries should be installed in a place where other tools can find them. There are standard places for this on a system, e.g. for a prefix /usr the headers may go into /usr/include/ and the libraries in /usr/lib. This is technically possible with wheels, but recommended against because the install process may clobber system files. As a result, what projects like NumPy, Pybind11 and PyArrow end up doing is installing into their own tree under site-packages/pkgname (which certainly won't be on a search path), and then recommending that consuming packages query the location with a get_include function. E.g.:

import pyarrow

This isn't great, because it assumes that the build tool can run Python - and that breaks under cross-compilation. This would work much better under Conda/Spack/Homebrew/etc., however the packages themselves have to decide where to install to. Hence they choose to always install inside site-packages, due to the limitations that PyPI/wheels impose.

More issues

These still have to be worked out:

  • UX for build and install tools is painful and easy to shoot oneself in the foot with (e.g., most users and maintainers don't understand the details of build isolation)
  • Tooling will often assume virtualenvs only, and/or deal with environment activation when it really shouldn't.