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Complex C++ dependencies

Projects with a large amount of C++ code and dependencies include TensorFlow, PyTorch, Apache Arrow, Apache MXNet, cuDF, Ray, ROOT, and Vaex. Many other projects include some C++ components, like: scikit-learn, SciPy, NumPy, CuPy, and Awkward Array.

To get an impression of the number and type of external dependencies that some of these projects have, outside of their own large code bases, one can look at the "third party" directories in their repositories: pytorch/third_party, tensorflow/third_party, mxnet/3rdparty.

There are usually more build time dependencies that are specified elsewhere - some on PyPI, some only listed in the documentation. Projects with dependencies like that tend to not upload any sdist's to PyPI (users will see too many build failures, see purposes of PyPI for context), and have a hard time building wheels because of the requirement that a wheel must be self-contained - which means a lot of vendoring and potential issues.

Current state

Wheels tend to work fine for packages that have some C, C++ or Cython code but no external dependencies other than Python packages. Once a project has dependencies on other C++ libraries, it has to build that other library and vendor it as part of building its own wheel. Tools like auditwheel, delocate and delvewheel help with the vendoring part, but building everything in a consistent fashion is (a) a lot of work, and (b) may be very difficult.

Why are wheels hard - Wes McKinney

The Python wheel binary standard was optimized for easy installation of packages with C extensions, but where those C extensions are simple to build. The best case scenario is that the C code is completely self-contained.

If things are more complicated, things get messy:

  • Third party C libraries
  • Third party C++ libraries
  • Differing C++ ABI versions

The constraint of wheels is that a package must generally be entirely self-contained, including all C/C++ symbols included via static linking or by including the shared library bundled in the wheel -- which style of bundling works best may be different for Linux, macOS, and Windows.

Only very recently (Oct '22) was the requirement for wheels to be fully self-contained loosened a little, allowing package authors to take responsibility for the quality of their own wheels and avoiding vendoring of libraries that are very large or had to be vendored into multiple wheels that they have control over: auditwheel#368. That change is an improvement, but doesn't change the big picture - package authors still cannot rely on other native dependencies on the system easily, and may have to maintain their own separate wheels (e.g., if SciPy and NumPy want to rely on a shared libopenblas wheel, they are the ones who have to do all the work for that).

Example: PyArrow

PyArrow is the Python API of Apache Arrow. Apache Arrow is a C++ project with many C and C++ dependencies. Large and complicated ones. In 2019 the need to vendor the likes of OpenSLL, gRPC, and Gandiva (which in turn relies on LLVM) made it too hard to build wheels for PyPI at all - because all dependencies must be built from source and vendored into a wheel, which is a major endeavour. As of Dec 2022, there are wheels again, without OpenSSL and Gandiva in them. TODO: figure out in more detail what changed here

To understand the C/C++ dependencies of PyArrow, let's look at the dependency tree in conda-forge and at the libraries vendored into a manylinux wheel on PyPI:

PyArrow dependency tree (conda-forge)
$ # Note: output edited to remove duplicate packages and python/numpy dependencies
$ mamba repoquery depends pyarrow --tree

  ├─ libgcc-ng[12.2.0]
    ├─ _openmp_mutex[4.5]
      ├─ _libgcc_mutex[0.1]
      └─ libgomp[12.2.0]
  ├─ libstdcxx-ng[12.2.0]
  ├─ numpy[1.23.5]
  ├─ parquet-cpp[1.5.1]
    └─ arrow-cpp[9.0.0]
       ├─ gflags[2.2.2]
       ├─ c-ares[1.18.1]
       ├─ libbrotlienc[1.0.9]
         └─ libbrotlicommon[1.0.9]
       ├─ libbrotlidec[1.0.9]
       ├─ zstd[1.5.2]
       ├─ aws-sdk-cpp[1.8.186]
         ├─ aws-c-event-stream[0.2.7]
           ├─ aws-c-common[0.6.2]
           ├─ aws-checksums[0.1.11]
           └─ aws-c-io[0.10.5]
              ├─ aws-c-cal[0.5.11]
              └─ s2n[1.0.10]
         ├─ libcurl[7.86.0]
           ├─ krb5[1.19.3]
             ├─ libedit[3.1.20191231]
             └─ keyutils[1.6.1]
           ├─ libssh2[1.10.0]
           └─ libnghttp2[1.47.0]
              └─ libev[4.33]
       ├─ lz4-c[1.9.3]
       ├─ libthrift[0.16.0]
         └─ libevent[2.1.10]
       ├─ libutf8proc[2.8.0]
       ├─ snappy[1.1.9]
       ├─ re2[2022.06.01]
       ├─ glog[0.6.0]
       ├─ libabseil[20220623.0]
       ├─ libprotobuf[3.21.10]
       ├─ orc[1.8.0]
       ├─ libgrpc[1.49.1]
         ├─ zlib[1.2.13]
       └─ libgoogle-cloud[2.3.0]
          ├─ libcrc32c[1.1.2]
  ├─ python_abi
  ├─ python
  ├─ numpy
  └─ arrow-cpp
PyArrow vendored libraries (PyPI wheels)
$ ls pyarrow/*.so  # pyarrow/ is from an unzipped manylinux wheel

We see that Apache Parquet and Substrait, two separate projects, have to be vendored, and a lot of Apache Arrow C++ components are packed into a single wheel. What can't be seen from the wheel contents is that some of the extension modules were built with other complex dependencies like protobuf and glog (which therefore also need to be built as part of the wheel build process). Such dependencies raise the possibility of symbol conflicts when other packages are built with different versions of those libraries, or in different ways. This can result in hard to debug crashes or "undefined symbol" problems. This blog post by Uwe Korn describes some of the issues in detail, including problems installing PyArrow side by side with TensorFlow and Turbodbc.

C++ ABI has been an issue for quite a while. Most C++ developers and projects want to use the new ABI, however due to the old manylinux standard and depending on devtoolset forces the use of the old C++ ABI (_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0). Projects using modern C++14/17 typically want to use the new ABI. This is still quite difficult. It's now possible with manylinux_2_28, but requires building duplicate sets of wheels1 (also manylinux2014 for compatibility with older distros like Ubuntu 18.04 and CentOS 8, that will still use the old ABI).

As an example: PyTorch added libtorch builds with the new ABI to its own download server in 2019 already (pytorch#17492), however the issue for matching wheels is still open (pytorch#51039) as of Dec '22.

An even thornier issue is the proliferation of Abseil in the API of projects like protobuf, given that Abseil's ABI is sensitive (by default) to the C++ standard version being used to compile it, and this needs to be held consistent (essentially) across the entire ecosystem. For more details, see here.


  • Requirement for a wheel being completely self-contained, forcing vendoring of external C++ dependencies. Building external dependencies is a lot of effort, and error prone.

    • It also prevents splitting up a wheel into multiple dependent ones. This may be desirable because of binary size or maintainability.
  • The old C++ ABI still being the default.

  • Symbol clashes when different libraries vendor the same external dependency.


Early history TODO.

The RAPIDS projects was forced to drop wheels completely from May 2019 to Oct 2022, because the manylinux required a too old C++ version, and made it impossible to create compliant wheels with the RAPIDS C++14 code base. See this blog post for details. RAPIDS eventually added back support relying on newer versions of the manylinux standard, but while it used the broadly applicable manylinux2014 standard on x86 architectures, notably on arm architectures it used the new "perennial manylinux" because a newer glibc version was required.

Apache Arrow's issues with wheels and the amount of effort they take were laid out in detail in this mailing list post by Wes McKinney.

This long discussion on pypa/packaging-problems#25 touches on many of the key pain points around wheels and projects with complex C/C++ dependencies (interspersed with some "packaging politics").

Relevant resources


Potential solutions or mitigations

  • Better interaction/integration between PyPI/wheels/pip and other package managers, where dealing with C++ dependencies is easier.
  • ... ?

  1. See manylinux#1332 and pytorch#51039 for details.