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The multiple purposes of PyPI

Current state

PyPI serves more than one purpose. In its own words, from the front page, it is a repository of software for the Python programming language that

  1. "package authors use to distribute their software"
  2. "helps you find and install software developed and shared by the Python community"

For (2), we can further distinguish:

  • installing packages from binaries (wheels) for a select set of supported platforms
  • installing packages from a source distribution (sdist) on any platform

Package authors distributing their software

Publishing versions of Python package as source code on PyPI is the original purpose of PyPI. It is the way authors "announce" that there is a new version - if it's not on PyPI, then effectively it does not exist as a reusable, public Python package. It is the authoritative flow of source code flow from authors to end users, downstream dependents, and (importantly) to all redistributors of the package. That last category includes:

  • operating system providers: Linux distros, Apple for macOS, Microsoft for Windows, ...
  • standalone packaging systems: Conda, Spack, Nix, Homebrew, ...
  • sysadmins for deployments inside companies, universities, HPC centers, ...
  • developers of Python distributions: Anaconda Distribution, ActiveState Python, WinPython, RStudio, ...
  • maintainers of other wheel indexes: piwheels (for Raspberry Pi), Christoph Gohkle's Windows wheels (discontinued June '22), Alpine Wheels, ...
  • developers of standalone apps and embedded systems containing Python packages,
  • and probably quite a few more types of consumers,

Users installing Python packages from binaries

Installing from binaries typically means "install wheels with pip"1. Today, wheels are responsible of the vast majority of package installs from PyPI, and they are a very convenient way for most Python developers to quickly install up-to-date versions of the packages they need in their development environment.

The number of types of wheels which PyPI allows uploading is growing. It is a (sparse) matrix of:

  • Python interpreter2: CPython, PyPy
  • Operating system: Windows, macOS, Linux
  • CPU architecture: i686, x86-64, aarch64/arm64, ppc64le, s390x
  • libc flavor: glibc, musl libc

A good overview is maintained inthe cibuildwheel docs.

When installing a wheel, its declared runtime dependencies will also be installed. Those dependencies are found in the metadata inside the wheel. pip's dependency resolver takes care of this process. Dependency resolution and management is an oft-debated and nontrivial topic in general. Challenges in this area are not specific to packages with native code; once we have wheels, they should behave similarly to pure Python wheels: dependencies are only on other packages on PyPI, everything else should be present within the wheel itself.

Users installing Python packages from sdists

Installing a package from an sdist typically implies using pip. pip downloads the sdist, builds a wheel from it (using a pyproject.toml build backend hook, or invoking setuptools if such a hook is not present), and then installs it. Installing runtime dependencies then works the same way as described in the section above.

The key issue here is dependencies that are needed at build time. It is currently not possible to describe build dependencies other than those that can be found on PyPI. And every package containing native code has such dependencies. In some cases it's only a C compiler - which is usually present on (non-Windows) end user machines. Once one needs other compilers, shared libraries from the system, or other non-PyPI dependencies, things become fragile very quickly. This topic is discussed in Metadata handling on PyPI.


The different purposes of PyPI not being separated well enough results in an important problem for package authors. Due to these two "mix-ups of purposes":

  1. Uploading an sdist makes it available to redistributors (purpose 1) and causes it to be available for users to install from source.
  2. pip prefers installing from a wheel, but automatically tries to install from sdist if a wheel cannot be found for the most recent version on PyPI.

authors of packages that are hard to build from source have a difficult choice to make. If they do upload an sdist, they may get a flood of bug reports from users with failed builds. If they don't upload an sdist but only wheels, they (a) disrupt the flow of source code to redistributors, (b) diminish the value of PyPI as the authoritative archive of Python packages, and (c) are doing something that makes it harder to apply security best practices (ideally binaries for open source projects always come with source code and can be recreated from them).

We'll also remark here that wheels have to be built from source under a very specific set of conditions (e.g., in a manylinux Docker container), which are typically not met on end user systems. Locally built wheels may end up in pip's cache, which is then "polluted" with a wheel that may not work well. There are only a few packaging systems that mix building from source with binary caches - Nix and Spack are two good examples. That only works reliably because the builds are deterministic enough; the package managers know everything that is relevant (libc, compilers, native dependencies) so binaries in a shared cache can be relied on and really do function like a cache. For PyPI/pip/wheels that is not the case, and as a result this mixing may work in simple cases and lead to unpredictable problems for more complex builds.


Wheels are a relatively recent addition to PyPI - the first release of the wheel package happened in 2012, PEP 427 – The Wheel Binary Package Format 1.0 was accepted in 2012, and it took a couple of years before it became the norm to upload wheels for Windows, macOS and Linux for every release.

Before wheels arrived on the scene, the setuptools-specific Egg format (.egg files) was regularly used to provide binaries. easy_install plus eggs gave a similar, if less polished, install experience to pip plus wheels.

Even before eggs and wheels, it was possible to upload binaries to PyPI. For example, NumPy uploaded .exe installers for Windows (created with NSIS) for years, to help users avoid having to build from source3. To use those installers, they had to be manually downloaded and run. These kinds of installers were not common however, they only made sense for packages that were difficult to build from source.

Relevant resources

Potential solutions or mitigations

  • Update package installers to not install from sdist by default if a wheel cannot be found (see pip#9140).
  • Update PyPI so the three purposes are better separated. E.g., allow upload of sdist's for archival and "source code to distributors flow" without making them available for direct installation.

  1. There are other installers besides pip, such as pypa/installer.Usage of alternative installers isn't widespread yet. 

  2. Note that each minor version of CPython and PyPy has to be treated separately (unless one is using the stable ABI), so typically a package will have 3 or 4 wheels for different minor versions of CPython with the same OS, CPU and libc flavors. 

  3. The .exe and .whl files and their upload dates for the NumPy 1.6.0 release illustrate how long .exe files remained in use, and when wheels were added (retroactively in that case).